Saturday, July 6, 2024


 -a couple of days ago my Budget Advisor and me ordered Marvel Essential Marvel Saga Vol 1 and 2. Reprinting the 25 issues

-then I got an email back from AMAZON. But only 1 item and cost were listed

-I got the hint not to order more comics from within New Zealand. Like on TRADE ME. Twice the hands on my back I felt in my sleep. Each time connected to the DESTROYER

-one the local man like Superman named D. COSGROVE. Saying he works in computers as in ordering comics. And he gives signs to me he would Trade my wife and sex

-AMAZON too I might be told to leave alone. At the Library where Daniel has worked was once an IT worker named Sarah. She looked a lot like Wonder Girl / DONNA TROY / always set up to one day have her life always DESTROYED. And Sarah was a wonderful person like Troy was once

-at first I was going to just take what was sent to me. Like Donna Troy being destroyed was a warning

-I deleted the final issue of Secrets of Haunted House as a comic to buy. Then thought of the Flea Market where I bought a later issue of it. A cover with a lot of skulls in rows on it. One saying Fellas wake up. I thought of across the Road from my home in the 1980s a sort of old white scary looking home before the outside was redecorated. In 1985 a few times in the middle of the night I went to the back of it at the base floor and stood at the edge of a large gap in the wall and all darkness inside

-the cover with the skulls on it. When I was young I lived in James Cook Street. Once at the end of our Street in paddocks. In a ditch was lying the full skeleton of a person

-it could be of Donna Troy. Captain James Cook first charted New Zealand. His ship was the ENDEAVOUR. As in the EMPIRE in Star Wars and DARTH VADER. I think really Troy becomes Darth Vader. And the makers meant the same to happen to me

-I tried to give Troy 40 months of mighty miracles in a copy of my bedroom. Partly so she had something in her life. Like James Cook charted New Zealand. Me and maybe Troy design space

-I wasn't going to bring it up. But tonight I emailed my Budget Advisor to try to follow up on it. Amazon like Wonder Girl was an Amazon. Marvel Saga winds up the history of Marvel Comics 1960s super-heroes with the issue revealing The Watcher had narrated the series. A few years after I had been to the back of that home. The outside had been redecorated. Up the Road from it I took a few photos when I saw a few strips of LIGHT on the roof. Maybe meant to mean LIGHT Sabres. I used to think Noah's Ark were at sea in rain for 40 months like in James Cook. James Cook and the ship the Endeavour. Like Wonder Girl was in the New Teen TITANS

-in several days I make a large comics order from Mile High Comics. Including World's Finest 250. The REALITY War. I saw a copy in a bookstore at the Sydney Pier in 1980. Then at a small Attractions I went in a REVOLVING / REVELATIONS box held just over the water. It was dangerous there was a gap all along one side of it. Like saying there is no truth REALITY to the BIBLE except REVELATIONS. Too just before my 56th birthday with this order. I get Super Friends 14. I remember a boy in class had it in 1978. Named Isaac 'BASHERRA'. Page 1 had BRUCE WAYNE sitting at a table. The symbolic image of a ghost of Batman behind him. I said meaning that comic was a TV series based comic They aren't true. Isaac said None of them are true. Like BAGHEERA in The Jungle Book. I a few years ago bought a mink black panther bedspread. And tried to make him the BEAST from Hell. But there may be no truth to it. Maybe Donna Troy is like the Second BEAST doing mighty miracles for 40 months. I saw Isaac in the Tauranga Library decades ago. I glanced at his leg HAIRS. Like the magazine photo of Mark Wahlberg with impossible leg hairs tells me things aren't threats. In that Library years later in the Computer Dept. worked Sarah. She looked and was a lot like Wonder Girl. That might say I am at no risk from giving Donna Troy a time at powerful magic. The skeleton lying in the ditch. Maybe saying Christianity and it's afterlife are lies

-a unit my grandparents once looked at. On the side Street of Pak 'n' Save. Small, it would have been way too small for all their property. The room I would have had had a lock on the door locked from the hall. Maybe as if this was not real. The revolving box. The small home with a lock on the door of my home. Like a lock on what miracles Donna Troy and my sons can do. To stop them from coming after me. Passing the Street a number of times I never saw that home again

-maybe Wonder Girl as the skeleton in a ditch. She sets up to make EARTH One / ditch One. Called EARTH PRIME. Our Earth where the super-heroes are only comics characters. PRIME the paddocks were at the end of JAMES Cook Street. The Captain of the ENDEAVOUR. Like she sets up Earth to lose all ENTERPRISES. And ENDEAVOUR / become DOWN UNDER LAND. Everything powerless. Like a dead skeleton. She's doing this maybe because writers set up her ruin constantly. And the masses of Earth features portraying her like this now sent all over space. Stars have already thought of this. Down Under Land / Donna Wonder Long. 666 looks like a Golden Lasso. Like having to pay for provisions

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Bad Seed

    -I had my full collection of Harvey Comics spread around the inside of my bedroom wardrobe

-I got the idea from a boy at School when I was young named Aaron BOOTE

-he had me around to his home once. In a room on the garage level were a lot of Harvey Comics spread randomly around

-recently I did the same to mine

-I think stars etc are out to steal my Inheritance. Like signs they might be stopped by those trying to getting sores like from scorpions on their FEET / BOOTE

-today I put them back in a drawer

-there is a chance I am the father of Harvey Comics Founder Alfred Harvey

-from sex on the Titanic. My miracles jumping a year or two

-I have Casper and Spooky 1 from 1972

-I wound up with two copies of it somehow

-on the front cover they are in space riding a rocket made of a RUBBISH Bin

-the dream I had in 1991 of across the landscape only WRECKED / RUBBISH small white SPACESHIPS

-in about 1978 my grandparents took me to the next town each time I saw something paranormal

-the first time on a vacant section a large Trailer home sized FLYING SAUCER. Like the rocket and what I saw in my dream

-the second time at a family I only ever saw that time. I don't know where they came from

-a RICHIE RICH / RUBBISH. A Harvey Comic. With a few hundred pages. There was never a Richie Rich comic with that many pages

-RICHIE RICH like the world goes break

-putting the Harvey Comics back in my drawer. I saw on a reprint of a Casper comic from a company outside of the US

-Casper has a FISH BOWL over his head. Like the Flying Saucer

-so maybe this will cause all stores, businesses and services to close and the buildings turned to Rubbish

-because of corrupt companies

-I saw two paranormal things in Mount Maunganui that year. So that says this might be true

-when I was putting the Harvey Comics in a drawer. I saw maybe a fawn color twisted piece of pasta

-it fell off me somehow. I kept it because it was like about 1986. A fawn colored, smaller thumb sized, banana or marrow shaped object that fell from my Pajama shorts

-I now think that might be what the title of this Post The Bad Seed might mean

-really more likely set up for my possible son. A teenage boy who went to the world of DC Comics WW2 super-heroes. And they tried to ruin him

-he might have wrecked their economies

-in comics it was said the world had bad times for years. Because of paranoia after super-heroes were set up

-I wound up by accident with two copies of Casper and Spooky 1. Maybe meaning two parallel Earths

-and the grapefruit I found in my grandparents' garden in 1982 with an equal sized one growing out of it


  -a long time ago I was using Computers

-at Turning Point / Compass / Tauranga Historic Village

-where they have Programs for the Mentally Ill

-I saw one time there was clips from a TV series never made

-Dallas Return to Southfork

-it had new characters in the opening credits

-I thought they might look uninspiring

-at the start of an episode there was a slightly large group of people

-standing around a large Home Pool

-I have a list of Back Issue comics I want to order from the US

-I wanted a lot of other ones but the above read like


-whose lives might be like a soap opera. Fitting in with Dallas

-soon after I went back to my original list of comics to get

-I thought maybe this really meant I Inherited or signed Contracts once meaning for as long as I live

-I own my characters and product ideas, the Disney Company and Harvey Comics

-the really unlikely thing of imaging scenes from a fictional TV series. Especially one with original characters in the credits

-might say I own all of these

-the Historic Village down the hill from the Business Advice firm where the Contracts would have been signed

-it might have really meant paranormal forces keeping my numbers and costs down of comics I want to get to be practical


-companies returned to my ownership


-where the Parenting / FUCK happened

-I later remembered the white spikey STAR I saw appear in my room in 2016. And in 1990 in the dark came out a dark figure of a man. With a kind of silent ELECTRIC CHAINSAW

-maybe someone telling me to take my list up to All STAR Squadron then CUT it out

-the star and chainsaw might have been set up by my son the young man who went to maybe a parallel Earth or world with the WW2 super-heroes

-the white STAR. For All STAR Squadron. And the Titanic a WHITE STAR ship. Where for a while I thought I might have fathered STAN Lee / Satan

-the black chainsaw like threatening my sex. Madonna and threatening her partners' sex. I would of tried to bring him over in to a copy of my home from the world he was on. Threatened and harassed by super-heroes. But a string of Madonna songs made me think he could lead to me them and they could try something

-today I willed to try to bring him to live in a safe copy of my home

-maybe he set up the fictional TV series clips I saw

-Return to Southfork'

-like he returned to live on our world

-South FORK as in the Pitch FORK

-DALLAS as in my home with all it has in it like a PALACE

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Bun 'n' Bun

  -I was confused about when the point was where all of space might have been destroyed

-then I thought of about 2010

-twice that year I found two paranormal loaves of bread

-the first time I started to eat a slice of bread

-across the surface of the slice was a saucer shaped dip

-the next time

-on a loaf of bread that had been left too long but not a very long time

-there were hairs growing on it

-the two things that Destroyed maybe everything but me

-maybe making both of them the Destroyer of Revelations

-the saucer shaped dip across most of the surface of a slice

-caused by former DC Comics' head Jenette Kahn

-the circle shape of the DC logo. And a cunt

-the other part

-me cooking spaghetti and grated cheese Toasted Sandwiches 

-what looked like the spaghetti

-but might have really been a two inch long worm moving on the edge of the appliance

-I threw them away without eating them

-the two loaves of bread. Both with paranormal parts to them. Both that might have been impossible

-these say space and everything was destroyed


 -about 1980 my grandparents and I were in Sydney. At a small Pier side fair. I went in to a turning box held just over the edge of the water. All the way along one edge of the box was a missing strip

-like in the TV series Lidsville the teenage boy in a back room of a Fair falls in to a growing black magician's hat. Lidsville where I took a TV series idea. With The Watcher in it

-I think most likely even though this character first appeared in DC Comics in 1978. Celebrities had heard about me a few years earlier and based these ideas on me

-last night I thought of about 1992 I had a dream. I was lying flat on my back on top of my bed. My body spun around rotating on my back

-today this came to me about the black button. With grooves on it like me spinning around

-so maybe at the point I have ordered and received the list of comics on my Check List I will return home


-KING of TERROR / HELMET with FLAMES out of it


-can will to send people up in FLAMES. Like the STRIPS on the chest of his costume. The three parallel line OVEN burn marks on my right wrist


-the end of an episode of Coronation Street I saw in a dream. GAIL PLATT / ROTATING STRIPS on COSTUME's CHEST. I dreamt a man looking like Lord BLACKWOOD said he was going to TORCH her. BLACKWOOD Basketball BACKBOARD

-he was a BASKETBALL Player in High School / DEATH STAR

-MARTIN STEIN / my home gets a K MART

-MARTIN STEIN / and the large amount of food I got from the super MARKET that night

-Ronnie Raymond looks like Christian Paredes

-Christian Paredes did a feature page for HOT STUFF

-FIRE STORM / I get HOT Stuff appearance and SHAZAM arranged super hero powers

-the FLAMES coming out of his head. Like for HELL. The CIRCLES and strips to them on his costume's chest. I tried to replace both Hell (FLAMES) and Heaven (it is CIRCLE shaped) with my own version of an afterlife that is the same for all people dying


-he worked in a HAMBURGER RESTAURANT / like I have trouble EATING many full meals. And I have been warned not to buy TAKEAWAYS

-RONNIE RAYMOND / the RAILTON Hotel I stayed a night in my own small room in New Zealand's biggest city. By the Hotel I bought All-Star Squadron 5. Introducing the new FIRE-BRAND. And on another time there bought All-Star Squadron 7 the heroes on the cover saying We are taking over. That trip I hoped to replace my RALEIGH / RULER bike with a HEALING / HEAVEN. RAILTON as in REVELATIONS

Dallas Return to Southfork

  -a long time ago I was using Computers

-at Turning Point / Compass / Tauranga Historic Village

-where they have Programs for the Mentally Ill

-I saw one time there was clips from a TV series never made

-Dallas Return to Southfork

-it had new characters in the opening credits

-I thought they might look uninspiring

-at the start of an episode there was a slightly large group of people

-standing around a large Home Pool

-I have a list of Back Issue comics I want to order from the US

-I wanted a lot of other ones but the above read like


-whose lives might be like a soap opera. Fitting in with Dallas

-soon after I went back to my original list of comics to get

-I thought maybe this really meant I Inherited or signed Contracts once meaning for as long as I live

-I own my characters and product ideas, the Disney Company and Harvey Comics

-the really unlikely thing of imaging scenes from a fictional TV series. Especially one with original characters in the credits

-might say I own all of these

-the Historic Village down the hill from the Business Advice firm where the Contracts would have been signed

-it might have really meant paranormal forces keeping my numbers and costs down of comics I want to get to be practical


-companies returned to my ownership


-where the Parenting / FUCK happened

-I later remembered the white spikey STAR I saw appear in my room in 2016. And in 1990 in the dark came out a dark figure of a man. With a kind of silent ELECTRIC CHAINSAW

-maybe someone telling me to take my list up to All STAR Squadron then CUT it out


 -I briefly tried using a Mobility Scooter

-the furthest me and the man helping me Peter went was to NEW WORLD supermarket

-like I might have a son who went to the NEW WORLD or EARTH where the DC Comics WW2 super-heroes were

-that trip took a hour

-we stopped at his Op Shop

-there was a really large white box that was being delivered. Tall, really long and white

-delivered by STAR Movers

-like in the team of the WW2 super-heroes All STAR Squadron

-one of the Movers looked like STAN Lee. Of Marvel Comics maybe SATAN

-at those shops were once SCARLET Hair. Maybe he was saying my mother is the Whore of Babylon

-across the Road from Scarlet Hair was once a Business Advice place. But you had to pay for them to help

-I tried a few times to get Business Plans drawn up for a comic company

-the man I talked to in there looked like Stan Lee. And he looked like the Star Movers man

-so maybe in a FORK version of me I signed a Contract meaning 

-all the characters and products I made up always remain mine to own

-I met the man looking like Walt Disney up the block from there. He bought me the book of Disney stories. I might be descended from him. I might with signing there own the Disney Company for as long as I live

-outside where that bookstore was once I saw the local man like Superman. For some reason with a BEARD. HAIRY. I might own HARVEY Comics. I might have fathered Harvey Comics founder on the Titanic jumping a couple of years

-the MOBIITY Scooter maybe meaning a MONITOR. As we drove around in it I had an unopened parcel I got from my mailbox

-Marvel Two in One 94

-the cover with the end of the Monitor rocket mission. A computer monitor screen to push buttons and pull levers by it

-STAR Movers. Like I might have a son a lot like me. Who tried to MOVE to the world of original DC Comics super-heroes the All STAR Squadron

-like the really large white thin box. Their base in comics at the World's Fair in the large white Perisphere building

-while travelling in the Mobility Scooter I had an Amazing Spider-Man cover T-Shirt on. Like Stan Lee created Spider-Man. The Op Shop worker helping me was named Peter like Spider-Man is Peter Parker. PARKER. PERISPHERE. Maybe Stan Lee who might be Satan is saying he partly gave the name PETER PARKER from that team's PERISPHERE 


 -a couple of days ago my Budget Advisor and me ordered Marvel Essential Marvel Saga Vol 1 and 2. Reprinting the 25 issues -then I got an em...