Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 -I briefly tried using a Mobility Scooter

-the furthest me and the man helping me Peter went was to NEW WORLD supermarket

-like I might have a son who went to the NEW WORLD or EARTH where the DC Comics WW2 super-heroes were

-that trip took a hour

-we stopped at his Op Shop

-there was a really large white box that was being delivered. Tall, really long and white

-delivered by STAR Movers

-like in the team of the WW2 super-heroes All STAR Squadron

-one of the Movers looked like STAN Lee. Of Marvel Comics maybe SATAN

-at those shops were once SCARLET Hair. Maybe he was saying my mother is the Whore of Babylon

-across the Road from Scarlet Hair was once a Business Advice place. But you had to pay for them to help

-I tried a few times to get Business Plans drawn up for a comic company

-the man I talked to in there looked like Stan Lee. And he looked like the Star Movers man

-so maybe in a FORK version of me I signed a Contract meaning 

-all the characters and products I made up always remain mine to own

-I met the man looking like Walt Disney up the block from there. He bought me the book of Disney stories. I might be descended from him. I might with signing there own the Disney Company for as long as I live

-outside where that bookstore was once I saw the local man like Superman. For some reason with a BEARD. HAIRY. I might own HARVEY Comics. I might have fathered Harvey Comics founder on the Titanic jumping a couple of years

-the MOBIITY Scooter maybe meaning a MONITOR. As we drove around in it I had an unopened parcel I got from my mailbox

-Marvel Two in One 94

-the cover with the end of the Monitor rocket mission. A computer monitor screen to push buttons and pull levers by it

-STAR Movers. Like I might have a son a lot like me. Who tried to MOVE to the world of original DC Comics super-heroes the All STAR Squadron

-like the really large white thin box. Their base in comics at the World's Fair in the large white Perisphere building

-while travelling in the Mobility Scooter I had an Amazing Spider-Man cover T-Shirt on. Like Stan Lee created Spider-Man. The Op Shop worker helping me was named Peter like Spider-Man is Peter Parker. PARKER. PERISPHERE. Maybe Stan Lee who might be Satan is saying he partly gave the name PETER PARKER from that team's PERISPHERE 

World's Fair

  -maybe the DC Comics super-heroes team set in WW2. Of almost all their super-heroes then. That came out in 1981 called All-Star Squadron

-was really about a parallel Earth

-their base was in New York's WORLD FAIR

-down the hill from my home that provides my miracles

-is MAYFAIR Place

-where briefly at the end of the 1990s I stayed at Mayfair Cabins at Mayfair Motel


-or maybe my son Stan Lee Lieber / Satan Lucifer. Went there as a teenage wanting to live there and be a super hero

-but like the stars are to me they harassed him trying to ruin him

-the World's Fair base a large white PERISPHERE

-like the basic shaped of the miracle providing fruit

-with maybe their TRYLON next to it. Maybe a TARPAULIN over my son Satan or maybe the Anti-Christ for a long time protecting him in Hell

-about 1980 my grandparents took me on a holiday to AUSTRALIA / ALL STAR SQUADRON

-by the Wharf in Sydney I thought I saw in the distance in a bookstore

-a WORLD'S FINEST comic. Maybe in the original DC Comics 250th issue not meant to be distributed here in the US edition

-it has multiple covers of that series on the cover. Like my son would have bought the DC Comics about there while younger living here. And Stan Lee was a comic writer

-we went to Australia. Maybe this son was from Australia. Where maybe in the 1950s they had Australian reprints of DC Comics

-at that Wharf was an elderly man wearing Medals I thought might be a homeless man. Medals as in the team in comics was in WW2

-the World's Finest 250th issue was called The REALITY War. Stars had heard about me from before then. My miracles like control over reality

-that time in Sydney we were at a type of small Amusement Park too by the Wharf

-I went in to a REVOLVING box held just over the water. REVOLVING as in REVELATIONS

-it was dangerous. It had all along one edge of it a gap someone could fall through

-and maybe like Mayfair Place is down the hill from my home

-the DC Comics super-heroes team New Teen Titans. Their island base was by it. At the island too down the hill from my home

-at Tauranga Boy's College across the Road from my home almost. And also many of them my sons. Number '664' Cameron Road

-in a lunch area. There are tall, white, concrete Pyramid style steps / seating. In their meeting room in the comics. There are circles of rising seating

-next to that in their lunch area is a LARGE wall with the large picture of a man's face looking like Walt Disney. Like the All-Star Squadron had a lot of super-heroes

-the turning box might be like saying this is right

-and too in 1982 in my grandparents' back garden I found a grapefruit with an equal sized one growing out of it or attached to it

-like two parallel Earths

-in Lidsville the teenage Mark goes in to a back room at an Amusement Park. And falls in to a growing black Magician's Hat. I copied off that for a TV series idea TV3 carefully considered called Down Under Land. Where I created the character The Watcher. I got the idea from a dream across the landscape were only small, white, wrecked SPACESHIPS. Like All STAR Squadron

-like if I had a son who went there. In comics their Earth had years of bad times because of rigged paranoia about super-heroes. The wrecked spaceships. Maybe he wrecked their economies 

-at the start of the 1980s I was in a Second Hand Bookstore. There was a curtain in front of a door to the back room

-I peered around it in case there was a comic stand I could have. There was. A TURNING one. Maybe I thought of it because I might be Psychic

-I asked the store owner if I could buy it for $6. He said Yes. Then I tied for a lower amount. I don't know if he agreed to that

My Son is Satan Stan Lee

  -the night about 1997 I tried to run away thinking God said Get out

-maybe meant to mean God saying Get out of Heaven to the first Satan

-my mind rigged it. Even maybe causing stars to think they are trying to ruin my life

-all I took was a clone Superboy Trading Card for an unknown reason

-my son I tried to set up to go as a mid-teens DC Comics WW2 super-heroes world by Posting a scanned story

-and said they turned on him harassing him and ruining him

-maybe he was never a second Satan

-I somehow walked all the way downtown over the Bridge to the next town

-across the Harbor was SULPER Point. As in SUPERBOY and Hell

-I left the SUPERBOY TRADING Card in the ticket slot. He made a bad mistake gaining powers going to their world wanting to be Superboy

-I took a COMIC Trading Card. Like Stan Lee worked as a comic book writer

-yesterday for me I got the last TRADE Me comic I will get. Amazing Spider-Man 87 from 1970 I paid $128 for. Peter Parker on the cover saying My secret identity is out. Above the characters like a large phantom version of Peter Parker

-in 1978 in Class a student Issac 'Basherra' had a comic Super Friends 14. Basherra reminded me of a story character. Like in Bill Crosby and the Crosby Kids cartoon series. On the first page there was Bruce Wayne sitting at a table. Above him was like a symbolic ghost like Batman. Fitting in with the Spider-Man cover. The teacher might have been named Ms. Chapel

-I said those stories aren't true meaning the series wasn't meant to be part of the regular stories. He said NONE OF THEM ARE REAL. Maybe meaning there is no real truth to Christianity

-I crossed the Bridge and left the comic Trading Card. Maybe giving this version of Satan his powers

-the TRADING Card. The collapse brought by paranoia generated of super-heroes. Was him wrecking the TRADING of their world's companies

-meaning he ruined the world and lives of the WW2 super-heroes

-I went down one Street too soon over the Bridg and hide in a Dock of TREE TRUNKS. My magic setting it up to resemble the FICTIONAL long black hairs of Mark Wahlberg. In a MAGAZINE. To tell me I am safe from them

-I continued down to the base of the mountain Mauao. I threw my CALCULATOR watch over the Pier of Pilot Bay. He ruins their markets to get back while they always knew he would

-I tried running up the Road to the POLICE Station. But couldn't run far. Over the first several months of 1985 I had continuing daydream life. I was a super hero called Champion. With super-speed powers. And I had gone to the super-heroes Earth. Like maybe my son did. As Champion I had a costume like a WW2 Nazi Stormtrooper. It seems unlikely there could be an Adolf Hitler figure the super-heroes might fight. The young man from our Earth. Causing the collapse and ruin of their world. Is like the real villain of DC Comics 1930s to 1950s WW2 super-heroes. Like Hitler

-at morning I was at the Marine Parade by the Surf Beach. My son might become another Satan

-really STAN (SATAN) Lee / LIEBER / LUCIFER. Up the Road from where I was in 1979 I was with a School friend CHRIS PILDITCH and his mother. CHRIST DITCH PUBLICATIONS. By where LEISURE Island / LUCIFER / LIEBER was once. MARINE PARADE as in MARVEL PERIODICALS

-I went when it opened to the Mount Library to call my Staff to come and pick me up. LIBRARY / LUCIFER

-a female Librarian was reading to young children. I burst in to tears

-I rang my Support Home. The Manager John Henderson said I would need to call a Taxi. I thought that might have been tough

-I took the Taxi all the way back to Tauranga. I don't know how I paid for it unless the Support Home staff did

-what makes this more likely. I walked all the way to my down town. Over the Bridge and to the next town. And then right in to that. When now I might not be able to walk a block 


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